Welcome to Forss Creative - a creative agency based in the Western Highlands of Scotland.
We use film, imagery, words and music to help you tell your story.

Oak Nook

Now in its fifth instalment, Oak Nook is a collaborative audiovisual storytelling project. The project seeks a return to the wonder of shared imagination and uses the medium to explore relevant social issues. Click the link to catch up on the series so far via Spotify:


A good story is in the telling of it. Forss Creative create engaging, beautiful, films to help you tell your own story in the way you want it told.


If every picture tells a story, then every story has a teller. A good narrator can move and motivate their audience. Forss Creative’s work is characterised by listening for that voice and helping you build your project around it.


A story isn’t complete until it’s been heard. In making that happen, storytelling brings people together. Forss Creative understand that successful projects keep both narrator and audience in mind from beginning to end.


Melody is in everything - even silence. As musicians and writers, crafting music into a context that supports the wider project is a key focus of Forss Creative’s work.